Presentng a curated selecton of creatve work which encompasses a plurality of approaches to design, Design as Process revolves around a core queston: to what extent can design be a tool for generatng new knowledge and for creatng new value?When a designed artefact enters the market, or the public domain, it becomes acknowledged for the quality of its performance and for how well it responds to the users' expectatons. It’s meaning becomes rather fxed. However, it is largely in the creaton and testng processes, where designers can leverage and optmize the inquisitve power of design as an investgatve tool. It is through such practce-based research, that we establish new learning pathways, leading to unprecedented outcomes.
Through a focus on Design as Process, the XJTLU design tutors are sharing the novel and sometmes unexpected results of their own creatve iteratons. We hope that the Design Shanghai community of practtoners and scholars, as well with the general public of design lovers, are exposed to new insights into those design trajectories which aim at a beter understanding of local cultures and traditons; at bridging the past, present and future; at questoning current industrial practces; at enhancing users experiences; and at promotng cultural, social and economical value.
Period | 8 Jun 2023 → 11 Jun 2023 |
Event type | Exhibition |
Degree of Recognition | International |
- Design process
- Design research
- design methods
- Practice based Research
- digitalfutures
- human computer interaction
- digital interface
- furniture design
- soft robotics
- Cultural Heritage
- digital craftsmanship
- generative art
- generative design
- wearables
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Research output: Practice-based research output › Artefact
Twin Things - Urban Fashion Design Project collaboration with Vicente Esteban : Safeguarding Heritage and community of Shuangta project
Research output: Practice-based research output › Design, Architecture, Interiors
Cognitive Ergonomics Analysis to develop Design Guidelines for Medical Equipment User Interface Design
Project: Internal Research Project