Conversational AI in architecture

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


This presentation composes of two on-going projects. They explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used conversationally in the architecture discipline, under the context of what Paul Pangaro has termed “the pandemic of ‘today’s AI.'”

Project 1: Conversation between designers and AI as tools (AI art generation tool)

AI art generation tools have been commonly explored as rapid and high-quality image generators rather than design collaborators.

A collaborative and intuitive framework for the combined use of AI art generation tools in the architectural design process is proposed, facilitating immediate application by architectural designers with different levels of computational knowledge.

Project 2 (PhD): Conversation between (1) users and AI as space, and (2) designers and AI as design partner

The need for conversational architecture has been raised, but practice is under-experimented despite rapid technological advancement and solid foundation of Gordon Pask’s Conversation Theory.

First, this research explores the potential of applying the Large Language Model (LLM) to architectural design processes through verbal and non-verbal conversations, thus LLM acts as a design partner, instead of a passive question-answering programme.

Second, the workflow is integrated into a standard parametric design tool (Grasshopper), opening up opportunities for general use in a variety of scenarios.
Period25 Apr 2023
Held atRadical Methodologies (RaM) Research and Enterprise Group, University of Brighton, United Kingdom