BNV403: Renovating rural housing towards modernization standard in order to facilitate rural revitalization - a case study of Wujiang, Suzhou

Activity: SupervisionMaster Dissertation Supervision


Abstract: In this paper, a supplementary document for the renovation of rural housing towards
modernization standards is proposed to improve the living quality of rural residents and
achieve China's low carbon targets. The rural revitalization strategy is an overall policy in China
aimed at improving living conditions in rural areas, and the modernized renovation of rural
housing is a crucial action in this strategy. Previous research has shown many guidelines to
indicate what should be done to renovate rural housing while still needing to show what kind
of design is practical in renovating to facilitate rural revitalization. In order to find the answer,
this paper starts with a systematic literature review of relevant studies and guidelines to form
a theoretical framework; then, rural housing typology in Wujiang (Figure 1) has been
concluded to find out what typology elements should be conserved during the design; also,
this paper analyzed the cases worldwide and summarized the low carbon strategies; based on
these, some rural housing design options have been proposed for the residents to know their
acceptance and willingness to pay. It is found from this paper that most rural residents have a
certain level of awareness regarding the importance of carbon reduction, while they might
not be able to afford high energy-efficient upgrade costs.

Keywords: rural housing renovation, modernization standard, typology, carbon reduction,
willingness to pay
PeriodJan 2024
Examination held at
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • rural housing renovation
  • modernization standard
  • Typology
  • carbon reduction
  • willingness to pay