Assistive App Based on Eye Tracking

Activity: SupervisionMaster Dissertation Supervision


This project will introduce the development and evaluation of an assistive application
based on eye-tracking technology, which is designed for multiple uses. Based on Android
platform, this application utilizes eye-tracking algorithms to detect and interpret users' gaze
patterns, enabling hands-free interaction with digital devices and interfaces. Through this
application, users can manage a number of tasks with intuitive eye movements, including
text input, home devices control, and access to digital communication tools. With the
original development functions of the Android platform, the system is designed for ease of
use, offering personalized settings and adaptive interfaces to meet the specific needs of
different users. We will discuss the technical architecture of this application, including the
integration of eye tracking with machine learning algorithms to improve the precision of
gaze estimation, making the technology more accessible and user-friendly. Moreover, we
will explain the challenges encountered during development, explore the future
developments in eye tracking technologies, and the influence for assistive applications.
Period1 Aug 202430 Jul 2025
Degree of RecognitionLocal


  • Eye tracking technology
  • machine learning algorithms
  • APIs